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September 12, 2019 Council Meeting Minutes



SEPTEMBER 12, 2019  6:00 P.M.


Roger D. Yoder Council Room

345 N. Morton Street

Shipshewana, IN  46565

COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:  C.A. Lazzaro, Elmer J. Mast, Zachary J. Stoltzfus, Joshua A. Weimer.


MOTION:  A motion passed accepting the agenda with flexibility.


6:00 P.M.

Council Vice-President Z. Stoltzfus opened the public hearing portion of the meeting and asked for input from the public regarding the 2020 Budget.  A brief report was given by the Financial Consultant, Town Marshal, and Fire Chief.  There being no public input Z. Stoltzfus closed the public hearing portion of the meeting.

FERAL CATS & VICIOUS DOGS:  Due to the number of complaints regarding feral cats and the fact that food and water has been left by businesses and residents for these animals, the Council may want to consider an Animal Nuisance/Control Ordinance with fines.   ARC will neuter and return the cats to the Town as a population control effort, but they will not catch them.  We have used the State Law in the past regarding dogs and leash laws, but we have had a couple of dog bites reported recently.  The Council may want to consider more restrictions for dog control.


6:15 P.M.

Council Vice-President Z. Stoltzfus opened the public hearing portion of the meeting regarding Additional Appropriations and asked for input from the public.  A brief report was given by the Clerk-Treasurer.  There being no public input Z. Stoltzfus closed the public hearing portion of the meeting.

SEWER PLANT PLANNING – NOTICE TO PROCEED:  A written notice to proceed is part of the required grant procedure for the Wastewater Preliminary Engineering report.  The USDA grant will cover $30,000.00 and the balance of $10,000.00 will be paid from the Wastewater Utility.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving the Notice to Proceed with the Wastewater Preliminary Engineering Report to be done by Commonwealth Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $40,000.00 and authorized the Council Vice-President to sign the same.


MOTION:  A motion passed approving Pay Request #3 for Niblock Excavating in the amount of $161,041.55 and authorization was given for the Council Vice-President to sign the same.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving Pay Request #4 for API Construction Corporation in the amount of $48,308.26 and authorization was given for the Council Vice-President to sign the same.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving Pay Request #1 for The Robert Henry Corporation in the amount of $94,102.43 and authorization was given for the Council Vice-President to sign the same.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving Draw #1 for Regal Builders in the amount of $22,000.00 and authorization was given for the Council Vice-President to sign the same.

CONSTRUCTION PROJECT UPDATES:  The salt barn should be done within the next couple of weeks.  Blacktopping will begin on E. Middlebury Street within the next couple of weeks, then they will start work on S. Morton Street.  The public restrooms exterior will be done by the Light Parade, but inside work will not be done until after the first of the year.  Concrete was poured today for the new Park Pavilion located near the Gazebo.  Electric service should have been installed today for the lift station that is part of the SR 5 South Improvement projects. 

MULTI-HAZZARD MITIGATION PLAN:  Council Members have received the LaGrange County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan for review.  The document still needs some updates but at some-point the Council will need to consider adoption of the LaGrange County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.  

PROPOSED SEMI-TRUCK ROUTES:  Due to upgrading several streets in Town, Council Members were asked to consider establishing Semi-Truck Routes for the Town.  A Jake-break discussion followed.

TOWN MANAGER REPORT:  NIPSCO is conducting a general inspection on all their poles in Town for pole rot.  Niblock has provided quotes totaling $85,774.00 for alley improvements as follows:  Auction Barn Alley $26,917.00; Harrison & Morton Street Alley $25,686.00; and Blue Gate to Mill Street Alley $33,171.00.  These alleys can be done as Change Order #1 for the 2019 Street Improvements.   Confirmation is needed from Niblock showing that the materials and supplies will all be provided at the original contract amount before final approval of Change Order #1.

MOTION:  A motion passed to approve Change Order #1 for the Town of Shipshewana – 2019 Street Improvements subject to confirmation that the alley projects are contiguous and would be an extension of the original construction project, that material and supply costs are the same as the original contract, all being subject to the attorney’s approval and authorization was given for signature of Change Order #1 outside of a Council Meeting. 

FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT:  The Fire Chief requested permission to sell the old tanker truck so the money could be put toward the purchase of a new one.  First the truck must be offered to all Fire Departments within the County giving them first right of refusal.  Then sale options could include auction or sealed bids.  Council Members expressed concern about being down a tanker truck.  It was pointed out that our current tanker truck holds more water and mutual aid agreements are in place.

MOTION:  A motion passed authorizing the Fire Chief to work with the Town Attorney to sell the old tanker truck. 

POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT:  The Town Marshal reported that the number of shop lifting cases and accidents are up.  Jacqueline Diekman graduated from the academy last week and in a couple of weeks we should have 24-hour coverage.  A reminder was given to call 911 when you see someone pass a school bus.  Discussion followed regarding people running stop signs in Town.

A request was made for a joint work session of the Car Museum Inc. and the Shipshewana Town Council.

A Council Budget Workshop was set for Tuesday September 24, 2019 at 9:30 a.m.


FINANCIAL REPORT:  The 2020 Budget Adoption will take place at the September 26th Council Meeting.  Council Members received the August Fund Report and the 2020 “Preliminary Budget” Versus Prior Years “1782 Notices” dated September 3rd via e-mail.  Claims Registers, Memoranda, and the August Bank Reconciliation were presented to the Council.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving the July 25, 2019 and the August 22, 2019 Memoranda.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving the August 29, 2019 and the September 12, 2019 Claims Registers.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving the August Bank Reconciliation.

MOTION:  A motion passed suspending the rules for second reading of all Ordinances. 

Westview Government Class student introductions followed.

A motion passed adjourning the meeting.

______________________________________                 _______________________________________

Zachary J. Stoltzfus, Council Vice-President                        C. Arlene Lazzaro, Council Member

______________________________________                 _______________________________________

Elmer J. Mast, Council Member                                             Joshua A. Weimer, Council Member



Ruth Ann Downey, Clerk-Treasurer