April/May Water Update
We are living in unprecedented times. We have overcome many struggles in the past few weeks and in the interim have had to change our normal day to day. Many changes have created hardships be it financial, professional or social. Through all that, I have witnessed people rise up and support family, neighbors and even strangers. I have seen our community come together and support each other. As a town council we wanted to help provide any community support we could as well.
Last week at the Town Council meeting the council suspended all water disconnect fees through April 30, 2020. We know many are feeling a financial burden and we are happy to work with businesses and residents to bring the bills current in the coming months.
The Town Council also passed an ORDINANCE TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING WATER VOLUMETRIC AND SERVICE CHARGES FOR CERTAIN UTILITY BILLING CYCLES. This ordinance will suspend the water charge on the Town of Shipshewana’s monthly utility bill for the May and June billing cycles as defined in the ordinance. Keep in mind, due to billing restrictions this only applies to the water portion. It does not apply to wastewater or stormwater. For a complete copy of the ordinance you may contact the Town office or visit our website.
We encourage you to continue social distancing. Please keep watching for updated precautions and recommendations set forth by the CDC and federal/state/local government. You can find links to this info on our website www.shipshewana.org.
I speak for all of the council members when I say, we as a Town Council want our community to know we are in this together and we want to help where we can to make our residents, our town, and our community succeed.
Tad Hite
Town Council President
ShipshewanaTown Council.