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Council Meeting Minutes/Memoranda – May 14th, 2020

Shipshewana Council Meeting

May 14th, 2020 @ 6:00 P.M.
345 N. Morton Street
Shipshewana, IN 46565

COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:  Zachary J. Stoltzfus, C. Arlene Lazzaro, Elmer J. Mast, Joshua A. Weimer.


MOTION:  A motion passed to accept the agenda with flexibility. 

FIRE/POLICE DEPARTMENT FESTIVAL:  Since Mayfest was not held due to the Covid-19 Health Emergency the Fire & Police Department hope to host a Summer Festival on July 31, & August 1st.  A portion of N. Morton Street will need to be closed north of the greenhouse to N. Village Drive for this event to take place.  Discussion followed.

MOTION:  A motion passed to close N. Morton Street north of the greenhouse to N. Village Drive for the Shipshewana Summer Festival to be held July 31 & August 1.

FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT:  The Fire Chief reported that the Shipshewana Summer Festival activities will take place at the Cove and in the Shipshewana Town Park.  There will be food vendors, demonstrations, live music, a softball tournament and much more.  The Annual Ham & Bean Supper will not be held this year, but we will hold our Annual Fish Fry at the MEC on October 17th

OLD BUSINESS:  Storm Water Rates:  No report,there are still two weeks before the report is due.

WOLFE COMMUNITY BUILDING RENTAL:  The Wolfe Building has been closed due to COVID-19.  Per the Governor’s Back on Track plan for Indiana which allows gatherings of up to 100 people by the beginning of June consideration should be given to opening the Wolfe Building for rentals.  Discussion followed.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving the opening of the Wolfe Community Building for rentals beginning June 1 while adhering to the governor’s guidelines.

 MOTION:   A motion passed to open the Town Park, Public Restrooms and Town Hall on Monday May 18th while adhering to the governor’s guidelines.

WANA CUP RESTAURANT & DAVID F. YODER SEWER BILL ADJUSTMENT REQUESTS:  The Town Council considered sewer bill adjustment requests for the Wana Cup Restaurant and David F. Yoder, noting that both leaks have been repaired.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving a sewer credit of $416.31 for the Wana Cup Restaurant.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving a sewer credit of $79.38 for David F. Yoder.

SHIPSHEWANA AUCTION, INC. & CRS INVESTMENT TAX ABATEMENT COMPLIANCE:  The Town Manager reported the Compliance with Statement of Benefits Real Estate Improvement for 2020 pay 2021 had been received from CRS Investments/D.B.A. ARI Legacy Sleepers and the Shipshewana Auction, Inc. for the RV Service Center and Camp Store.  Both companies have substantially met the compliance requirements.  No onsite visits have been conducted due to Covid-19.  Discussion followed.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving the Tax Abatement Compliance paperwork for the Shipshewana Auction Inc., and CRS Investment.


FIRE HYDRANT REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE:  Tabled, we are waiting on quotes. 

PUBLIC RESTROOM DEMOLITION QUOTES:  The previous quote approved by the Council for the public restroom demolition was not read correctly, therefore the recommendation and low quote for the demolition is M. Miller Excavating of Shipshewana in the amount of $4,200.00.  Discussion followed.

MOTION:  A motion passed accepting the quote from M. Miller Excavating of Shipshewana in the amount of $4,200.00 for the demolition of the old public restroom building. 

CONSTRUCTION PROJECT UPDATES:  The repaving of the two alleys that were part of the 2019 Street Improvement Projects are in process.  We have asked for a quote to repave the east/west alley from SR 5 to Harrison Street.  The E. Middlebury Street project from Talmadge Street to the eastern Town boundaries should start within the next two weeks.  Sidewalks along with curb and gutter will be part of this project.  The SR 5 INDOT project is not expected to begin until 2020 which will include sidewalks along SR 5.  The Council had discussed putting in sidewalks on the West side of SR 5 going north from the Bluegate Garden Inn to connect with existing sidewalks.  The estimated cost of that project is $300,000.00 and the plan is to use TIF revenue for this project. Discussion followed.

MOTION:  A motion passed to proceed with the SR 5 Sidewalk project on the west side of SR 5 from the Bluegate Garden Inn to connect with existing sidewalks at Farver Street.

FINANCIAL REPORT:  The Town Spring Clean-up starts tomorrow May 15th from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and will continue Saturday, May 16th from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Please bring you utility bill as proof of residency and practice social distancing.     The June Utility Bills will reflect no water, tax, or penalties like the May Utility Bill.  In July water fees will resume.  On June 2nd, the Wolfe Building will be used for voting in the Primary Elections.  A request for Council approval of claims was made.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving the April 29th and May 14th Claims Registers as submitted.

MOTION:  A motion passed suspending the rules for a second reading of all Ordinances.

Discussion followed regarding articles for the website and the condition of Berkshire Drive.

MOTION:  A motion passed to adjourn.