From the Desk of Fire Chief
Chad Miller, Fire Chief
Shipshewana Fire Department
Members of the Shipshewana Fire Department and the Shipshewana Police Department are working together on a weight room facility that will be housed at the Shipshewana Fire Station. Currently the room which is still under construction should be completed and outfitted with current equipment that the Police Department has and some new equipment by the middle of September. This joint project currently has been funded by Police, Fire and the Town of Shipshewana with construction assistance from the Town of Shipshewana Building Maintenance Department and IT Department.

We would like to welcome Lee Yoder, and Leon Raber to the Shipshewana Fire Department. Both will be starting their six month long training in the month of November meeting two nights a week and Saturdays on their own time with no compensation. Thank you both for your willingness to dedicate your time to the community.
August Activity
The Shipshewana Fire Department responded to 43 total call for the month of August.
19-Medical Calls
13-Call Canceled
3-False Alarms
3-Pool Fills
2-Vehicle Fires
1-Carbon Monoxide Call
1-Trash Fire
1-Structure Fire