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February 9, 2017 Meeting Minutes


FEBRUARY 9, 2017  6:00 P.M.





PRESENT:  Council; C. Arlene Lazzaro, Elmer J. Mast, Lynn M. Bontrager, Tad T. Hite, J. Mike Wilcher.

Staff; Mike Sutter, Kurt R. Bachman, Ruth Ann Downey.  Public; Guy Thompson, Lora Gates, Denise Fedarow, Scott Miller, Bill Miller, Ervin M. Yoder, Kenneth Stutzman, Richard Muntz, Phil Heyerly, Beth Thornburg, Marvin Yoder, Karis Brewer, Alisha Hochstetler, Andreya Miller, Jordan Miller, Andrew Brandenberger, Robert Yoder, Elmer Schwartz, Ryan Riegsecker.


Council President, C.A. Lazzaro called the meeting to order, noted that all Council Members were present, welcomed everyone, and asked that they sign in.  Agendas were available.


MOTION:  L. Bontrager gave the invocation and T. Hite led the pledge.


MOTION:  E. Mast made a motion to accept the agenda with flexibility.  L. Bontrager seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


C.A. Lazzaro asked for corrections and or additions to the January 12, 2017 Council meeting minutes.


MOTION:  E. Mast made a motion to approve the minutes as presented.   T. Hite seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


FIRST READING CARRIAGE FOR HIRE ORDINANCE:  C.A. Lazzaro reported that the Carriage Owners should have received a copy of the Revised Ordinance, we will not be accepting public comment this evening.  If you have questions or concerns, please contact Council Members individually or put your concerns in writing.  The second reading will be at the February 23rd Council meeting which will be held at 5:00 p.m. due to the SRMA Annual Dinner being held on the same evening.


  1. Bachman reported that at this time the Council may discuss the proposed Ordinance. A motion may be made to place the Ordinance on first reading and to set the date for the second reading at your February 23rd Council meeting. Discussion followed.


President C.A. Lazzaro introduced AN ORDINANCE ADDING A NEW SECTION 70.15 TO THE TOWN CODE OF ORDINANCES AND REGULATING THE COMMERCIAL USE OF CARRIAGES FOR HIRE IN THE TOWN OF SHIPSHEWANA.  Council Member E. Mast made a motion, seconded by Council Member L. Bontrager that said Ordinance be placed on first reading by title and that the same be read in full at this time.  Motion carried.


Council Member E. Mast made a motion, seconded by Council Member L. Bontrager that said Ordinance be set for second reading at the February 23, 2017 Council meeting which will begin at 5:00 p.m.  Motion carried.


  1. Mast asked individuals with questions or concerns to write or call him.


Bill Miller of Miller’s Buggy Line requested that Council Members contact him at 574-536-1111 or 574-825-2730.


APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE SHIPSHEWANA CARRIAGE COMMITTEE:  C. A. Lazzaro reported that currently the Ordinance call for a three-member Carriage Committee; a Town Council Representative, the Town Marshal or his appointee, and a Carriage Ride Owner.   We are looking for a volunteer for the Carriage Ride Owner position.  Someone requested that the Council consider a five- member committee rather than just a three-member committee.  Carriage Ride Owner Ryan Riegsecker volunteered to serve on the Committee and asked that the Council appointment be someone with horse knowledge.  Discussion followed.


MOTION:  J.M. Wilcher made a motion to table the Shipshewana Carriage Committee appointments until the February 23, 2017 Council meeting.  E. Mast seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


POLICE DEPARTMENT PURCHASES:  C.A. Lazzaro tabled the Police Department Purchases until the February 23rd Council meeting.  Marshal, Tom M. Fitch II was not able to attend the meeting.


LIFT STATION PUMP UPGRADES:  M. Sutter referred Council Members to their paperwork for quotes of lift station pumps.  We have had issues with pumps clogging at Lift #1 on E. Middlebury Street and Lift #2 located at Yoder’s Department Store.  The quotes are for two Myers Sewage Pumps at a cost of $7,480.00 from CEM Supply of Coldwater, MI and $7,480.00 from Straeffer Pump & Supply of Chandler, IN.  We have worked with CEM in the past, they often do our pump repair.  The new pumps will have a vortex impeller which should help the effluent pass through more efficiently and we should have less clogging problems.  We will need four pumps to do both lift stations.   Discussion followed.


MOTION:  T. Hite made a motion to purchase four Myers sewage pumps from CEM Supply, Inc. at a cost of $3,740.00 per pump for a total cost of $14,960.00 for Lift Stations #1 & #2.  E. Mast seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


SOUTH WATER TOWER INSPECTION PROPOSAL:  M. Sutter referred Council Members to their paperwork for an inspection proposal from Dixon Engineering of Albion, IN.  In 2016 Dixon Engineering was involved with the North Water Tower rehab project, they did the inspection, provided a report, and bid out the necessary repair and paint work.  Now it is time to go through the same process for the South Water Tower.  They have quoted $2,775.00 for the inspection of both the interior and exterior of the South Water Tower and will provide a report regarding the necessary repairs.  Discussion followed.


MOTION:  L. Bontrager made a motion to accept the proposal from Dixon Engineering to inspect the South Water Tower for an amount not to exceed $2,775.00 and authorized the Council President to sign the necessary documents.  E. Mast seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


SUMMER HELP (TWO UTILITY INTERNS):  M. Sutter reported that last summer we had one intern for both the Water and Wastewater Utilities.  For the last four years, the Town has had summer interns, 3 from Trine University out of Angola and one from Michigan Tech.  This year I am requesting approval to hire two summer interns one for the Water Utility and one for the Wastewater Utility.  With plans for the MEC to begin their project this summer and the need to keep up with lift station checks and flushing fire hydrants along with flow testing for the Town’s ISO rating, we will not have trouble keeping them busy.  I am proposing a wage range between $11.50 and $12.50 for the interns.  We will discuss hiring someone for lawn care at a later meeting.  Discussion followed.


MOTION:  J.M. Wilcher made a motion authorizing the Town Manager to interview and hire two summer interns, one for the Water Utility and one for the Wastewater Utility, with a wage range between $11.50 to $12.50 per hour to fill these positions.  T. Hite seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


WAGE & SALARY ORDINANCE AMENDMENT:  R. Downey referred Council Members to their paperwork for a copy of Joshua Koontz’s Water Works Operator Certificate dated January 24, 2017 for a Grade WT3 Water Treatment Plant Operator.  For a Water Treatment Certificate, the Council has set a wage increase of $1.15 per hour retro-active to the date that the Certificate was earned.  Discussion followed.  M. Sutter reported, our current wastewater employee has not been here for 2 years yet and you must be on the job for two years before you can test for Wastewater Certification.


President C.A. Lazzaro introduced AN ORDINANCE AMENDING WAGE AND SALARY ORDINANCE NO. II-F-1-d(2) FOR TOWN EMPLOYEES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2017.  Council Member E. Mast made a motion, seconded by Council Member L. Bontrager, that said Ordinance be numbered and placed on first reading, and that the same be read in full at this time.  Motion carried.


Said Ordinance having been designated as “II-F-1-d(526) and having been read in full, and the provisions of the same having been considered by the Council, Council Member L. Bontrager made a motion, seconded by Council Member E. Mast, that any requirements for a second or third reading be waived and that all rules of the Council, which unless suspended, might prevent the final passage and adoption of “II-F-1-d(526)”  at this meeting, be suspended and that said Ordinance be placed on its final passage.  Motion carried.


“II-F-1-d(526)” having been read in full was then placed upon its final passage, and on call of the roll the vote for the adoption of said Ordinance was as follows:


AYES:  Elmer J. Mast, Lynn M. Bontrager, J. Mike Wilcher, Tad T. Hite, C. Arlene Lazzaro.

NAYS:  – 0 –


There being present at said meeting at least two-thirds of the members elect of the Town Council and “II-F-1-d(526)” having been passed after unanimous suspension of the rules, the President thereupon declared said Ordinance to have duly passed and adopted.


FINANCIAL REPORT:  Clerk-Treasurer, R. Downey referred Council Members to their paperwork for the January 31, 2017 Fund Report and reminded everyone that the February 23rd meeting will begin at 5:00 p.m. due to the SRMA Annual Dinner.  R. Downey requested a motion to approve the Claims Registers, Adjustment Journals, and the January Bank Reconciliation Statement as submitted.  Discussion followed.


MOTION:  E. Mast made a motion to approve the Claims Registers, Adjustment Journals, and the January Bank Reconciliation Statement as submitted.  L. Bontrager seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


TOWN MANAGER REPORT:  M. Sutter referred Council Members to their paperwork for a letter that will be enclosed with the March Utility bills regarding work on the water plant media.   By having this work done we can extend the life of the equipment for approximately 8 – 10 years.  We will need to treat the water with phosphate which will cause some discoloration to the water, but the water is still safe and good for use.  The maximum amount of time this process will take is one month.   M. Sutter referred Council Members to a quote from Peerless Midwest for the Filter Media Augmentation at a cost of $17,595.00 plus a maximum cost of $3,275.00 for the phosphate.  Peerless Midwest is the company that does the regular maintenance at our Water Plant.  Our hope is that this work can be done in March or April.  Discussion followed.


Bob Yoder of Yoder’s Meat & Cheese requested a phone call when this process begins because they cure meats and this can change the flavor of the meats, even when the chlorine fluctuates it affects us.


MOTION:  E. Mast made a motion to approve the Filter Media Augmentation quote as submitted by Peerless Midwest, Inc. in the amount of $17,595.00 plus chemicals at a not to exceed total amount of $21,000.00.  J.M. Wilcher seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


  1. Sutter reported that he will be resigning his position as Town Manager effective June 30th, he will then use vacation time. You have been a great Council to work for, of all the positions I have held this has been a great position. Discussion followed.   C.A. Lazzaro thanked M. Sutter for the marvelous job he has done for the Town and wished him well in his retirement.


ATTORNEY REPORT:  K. Bachman had nothing further to report.


C.A. Lazzaro extended a special welcome to Westview High School government class students and introduced the Town Council and Staff to the students, and asked the students to introduce themselves.   Introductions followed.


C.A. Lazzaro asked if there was any further business to come before the Council.  Council Members thanked Mike Sutter for his service to the Town and wished him well in his retirement.


There being no further business to come before the Council, C.A. Lazaro asked for a motion to adjourn.


MOTION:  T. Hite made a motion to adjourn.  E. Mast seconded the motion.  Motion carried.