Fire Department

About the Shipshewana Fire Department
Shipshewana Fire Department is made up of 26 volunteer firefighters, consisting of one chief, one assistance chief, 3 captains, one chaplain and 20 firefighters. This fire department covers northwest corner of LaGrange County, IN including Town of Shipshewana, Newbury Township, Van Buren Township, and also 8 miles of I-80/90 Indiana Toll Road. This 70 square mile area-Shipshewana Fire Department provides First Responder Medical Assistance, Search and Rescue, and Fire Protection.
Our fire department is always staying up-to-date with the latest training and skills to provide rapid and safe response in order to provide a safer community. Therefore, our department had monthly meetings and trainings for each of our volunteers. Our regular business meetings are first Tuesday of each month, regular refreshing and new skill learning trainings are third Thursday of each month. We also do truck check (thorough inspection of each fire truck and equipment) each week.
By providing the most our fire department can provide, the Shipshewana Fire Department abide by this “Objective and Purpose” in the By-Laws of Shipshewana Volunteer Fire Department…
“The purpose of the Department shall be to provide a group of well-trained volunteers to protect and preserve the persons and property of the Town of Shipshewana and surrounding area as directed by the Shipshewana Town Council and provided for in any contract between any surrounding township and the Council. The Department shall also assist neighboring agencies and departments, as needed, for mutual aid.”
Fire Department Updates and News

Dennis Troyer 31 Years
Recognition of Dennis Troyer’s 31 Years of Service

Fire Fighter of the Year
2016-Lora Miller
2017-Darin Hochstetler
2018-Merle Yoder
2019 – Aaron Lehman
2020 – Lloyd Raber

Extraction Tools
2017 Lagrange Fire

Our Station