From the Desk of Town Marshal
Tom M. Fitch II, Marshal
Shipshewana Police Department
As the State of Indiana and the Town of Shipshewana begin the gradual steps to reopen this summer, I would like to remind everyone that Governor Holcomb has issued a new Executive Order giving direction in the how this process will be conducted. A link to the Executive Order 20-26 can be found on the in.gov website https://www.in.gov/gov/2384.htm and a copy of the pdf order can be viewed on the Town of Shipshewana website.
In addition to the guidance the governor’s office is providing, some very simple and preventative acts can not only help protect you and your loved ones from this disease, but can also make our community more inviting and comfortable for those who visit our community during the pandemic. The following suggestions are ways to help protect yourself and others from the coronavirus.
- Wash your hands often – Wash hands for 20 seconds under water or use hand sanitizer with over 60% alcohol content.
- Avoid close contact – Keep 6 feet social distance when in public
- Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Clean and disinfect surfaces that are touched often throughout the day
I would also like to take this time to thank the many community members and fabric stores who have donated their fabric, time and efforts making masks for the community front line workers. We have had over 700 masks donated by our wonderful community. These masks have been distributed to the front-line workers who work in medical establishments, schools, and as first responders during this crisis.
A reminder that the Shipshewana Police Department Community Food Table is still open and available to those who are needing assistance during these difficult times. The table is set up outside the front doors of the Shipshewana Town Hall and available to all who are in need. Donations to the Community Food Table are also still being taken and are greatly appreciated as well!
Please feel free to contact the Shipshewana Police Department with any concerns or issues police@shipshewana.org or (260) 768-4310. Please stay safe and healthy!!!