Shipshewana Town Council Meeting
September 24th, 2020 @ 6:00 P.M.
Wolfe Community Building
345 N Morton Street
Shipshewana, Indiana 46565
PRESENT: Elmer J. Mast, C. Arlene Lazzaro, Joshua A. Weimer, Tad T. Hite, Zachary J. Stoltzfus.
A motion passed to accept the agenda with flexibility.
2021 BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING: The Council President opened the 2021 Budget Public Hearing. Discussion followed. The Council President asked for input from the public. There being no public input the Council President closed the public hearing portion of the meeting.
POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT: Officer N. Byroad had nothing to report.
LIGTEL UPDATE: Ligtel will be bringing fiber optic internet service to both residential and business customers at no cost to the Town within a year. The goal is to have everyone interested in service connected by the end of 2021. Construction will begin in March of 2021. Discussion followed.
2020 COMMUNITY CROSSING GRANT APPLICATION: C. Erwin of DLZ reported that applications are due by October 23, 2020 and a motion regarding which project to pursue is necessary to move forward. Discussion followed regarding proposed projects. Berkshire Drive at $1,170,000.00 and W. Middlebury Street at $650,000.
MOTION: A motion passed to move forward with the 2020 Community Crossings Grant Application for the Berkshire Drive reconstruction project with sidewalks on the north side of Berkshire Drive.
WATER LOSS AUDIT REPORTING: The Town Manager reported that he had acquired a second quote for this project from DLZ at a not to exceed cost of $2,000.00 which is lower than the quote received at the last meeting. This report is due January 1st. Discussion followed.
MOTION: A motion passed approving DLZ as the company to prepare the Water Loss Audit Report for the Town at a not to exceed cost of $2,000.00.
SET DATE – ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION PUBLIC HEARING: MOTION: A motion passed to set the date for the Unrestricted Gift Fund Additional Appropriation Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m. on October 22, 2020.
API PAY REQUEST #2: MOTION: A motion passed approving API Pay Request #2 in the amount of $9,685.00 for the restoration work for the Fire Hydrant Replacement project.
NIBLOCK PAY REQUEST#3: MOTION: A motion passed approving NIBLOCK Pay Request #3 in the amount of $222,729.90 and authorized the Council President to sign the same.
CONSTRUCTION PROJECT UPDATE: A Special Council Meeting has been set to open bids for the SR 5/Bluegate Sidewalk Project for October 5th at 2 p.m. in the Wolfe Community Building. The E. Middlebury Street concrete work is complete, and the project should finish on time. Preliminary Engineering work has begun on the Pumpkinvine Trail Extension Project from CR 850 to the Town Park. Construction on this project will begin next spring with completion of the project next fall. It is late in the season, but we hope to get three quotes to do the alley from SR 5 to Harrison Street yet this fall. The estimated project cost which includes some drainage work is between $60,000.00 to $70,000.00.
TOWN MANAGER REPORT: The Shipshewana Storm Water Board will meet at 4 p.m. tomorrow to consider the resolution regarding the Storm Water Rate change. The Public Hearing for the Storm Water Rates will be held on November 12th at a joint meeting of the Storm Water Board and Town Council. Considering the Governor’s Order moving the state to Stage 5 of Reopening the Shipshewana Town Hall will be open to the Public on Monday October 5th, masks and social distancing will be required.
TRICK OR TREAT HOURS: MOTION: A motion passed setting Trick-or-Treat hours for October 31, 2020 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
COUNTRY CROSSING PHASE III FINAL PLANS & APPROVAL OF DEDICATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY: The Town Manager reported that DLZ has reviewed the plans and met with the developer to make sure all concerns regarding this development have been addressed. A Bond is required for the project prior to the commencement of construction. Plat plans require the Council’s signature. Discussion followed.
MOTION: A motion passed approving signature of the plat along with the dedication of Right-of-Way for the Country Crossing Phase III Infrastructure project.
FINANCIAL REPORT: The 2021 Budget Adoption will take place at the October 8th Council meeting. A Notice has been published regarding the USDA Rural Development Application for WWTP Funding. This Notice is a required part of the application process and allows a time for the public to bring up any questions or concerns. Approval for the Claims Registers and Adjustment Journals were requested.
MOTION: A motion passed approving the Claims Registers and Adjustment Journals as submitted.
J. Weimer asked if there has been any report from the High-Performance Group. The Town Manager reported that there is no report at this time.
C. A. Lazzaro recommended that the Park Board consider the purchase of some handicapped accessible play-ground equipment for next spring. Discussion followed. The Park Board will meet on October 7th.
ATTORNEY REPORT: The Town Attorney requested that an Executive Session be set for 9:30 a.m. on September 29th at the Shipshewana Town Hall to discuss strategy with respect to the implementation of security systems and to discuss information and intelligence intended to prevent, or mitigate the threat of terrorism. Discussion followed.
MOTION: A motion passed setting an Executive Session for September 29th at 9:30 a.m. at the Shipshewana Town Hall per the attorney’s recommendation.
MOTION: A motion passed suspending the rules for a second reading of all Ordinances and Resolutions.
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Zachary J. Stoltzfus, Council Vice-President C. Arlene Lazzaro, Council Member
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Elmer J. Mast, Council Member Joshua A. Weimer, Council Member
ATTEST: ________________________________________
Ruth Ann Downey, Clerk-Treasurer